Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris


Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris – MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong didapuk menjadi sekolah terbaik se-Indonesia berdasarkan nilai UTBK 2022. Tahun lalu, madrasah ini juga berada di peringkat pertama setelah sebelumnya sempat peringkat kedua. Pemeringkatan sekolah terbaik tersebut dirilis Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (LTMPT) melalui skema top 1000 sekolah tahun 2022 berdasarkan nilai UTBK, Jumat (26/8/2022). Sekolah ini mendapatkan nilai 666.494 poin.

Digagas oleh BJ Habibie

MAN IC Serpong berdiri atas gagasan Presiden ketiga RI, B.J Habibie. Melansir situsnya, dari ide tersebut, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) kemudian mendirikan Magnet School di Serpong dan Gorontalo melalui program penyetaraan IPTEK STEP (Science and Technology Equity Program) bagi sekolah-sekolah yang berada di lingkungan pondok pesantren.

Magnet School kemudian berubah nama menjadi SMU Insan Cendekia. Pada tahun ajaran pertama (1996/1997), penerimaan peserta didik baru diprioritaskan bagi siswa-siswi SMU/MA kelas satu dan siswa-siswi lulusan SMP/MTs berprestasi yang berasal dari pondok pesantren dan sekolah islam lainnya.

Mulai tahun pelajaran kedua, SMU Insan Cendekia membuka kesempatan bagi siswa-siswi SLTP umum dan MTs baik negeri maupun swasta untuk bisa mendaftar ke sekolah tersebut. Sejak tahun ajaran 2000/2001, SMU Insan Cendekia tidak lagi dikelola oleh BPPT melainkan oleh Departemen Agama RI. Untuk tetap mempertahankan ciri khas penguasaan IPTEK dan IMTAK, dalam pengelolaan dan pembinaannya, keduanya terus melakukan kerja sama.

Baru setelah itu, SMU Insan Cendekia berganti nama menjadi Madrasah Aliyah Insan Cendekia. Meski namanya berubah, sistem pengajaran secara keseluruhan masih sama. Pada 2001, melalui SK Menteri Agama RI, Nomor 490 Tahun 2001 MA Insan Cendekia Serpong dan Gorontalo berubah menjadi Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Insan Cendekia Gorontalo dan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Insan Cendekia Serpong.

Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa InggrisPunya 7 Target, 90 Persen Lolos Perguruan Tinggi

MAN IC Serpong memiliki tujuh target yang hendak dicapai. Termasuk 90 persen lulusannya bisa diterima di perguruan tinggi setiap tahunnya. Berikut selengkapnya:

  • Terciptanya kehidupan religius di lingkungan madrasah dengan bercirikan perilaku rajin beribadah, rajin belajar, ikhlas, mandiri, sederhana, ukhuwah, dan kebebasan berkreasi.
  • Diperolehnya prestasi akademik dan non akademik yang optimal oleh peserta didik Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris Serpong.
  • Terbentuknya peserta didik yang memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi secara aktif menggunakan bahasa Internasional.
  • Diterimanya lulusan Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris Serpong di perguruan tinggi yang berkualitas baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri lebih dari 90% tiap tahun.
  • Diperolehnya prestasi akademik yang baik bagi alumni Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris Serpong selama studi di perguruan tinggi.
  • Terciptanya siswa Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris Serpong yang ramah anak dan ramah lingkungan.
  • Terciptanya siswa Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris yang memiliki budaya penguatan pendidikan karakter, moderasi beragama, dan pendidikan anti korupsi.

Gunakan 4 Strategi Andalan

Dalam meningkatkan mutu akademik siswa,Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris Serpong menerapkan empat strategi yang mereka namakan inovasi PAMUNGKAS. Berikut empat program di dalamnya:

  • Responsi : Penambahan jam pelajaran untuk mata pelajaran UTBK pada siswa Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris di semua level dan jurusan.
  • Bimbingan UTBK: Bimbingan intensif untuk kelas XII yang dilakukan diluar jam pelajaran sebanyak 3 kali seminggu dan diselingi Tryout internal dan eksternal untuk siswa Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris.
  • Wawasan Perguruan Tinggi: Program ini meliputi bimbingan karier, road show alumni, kunjungan kampus, dan pameran perguruan tinggi.
  • Potret Diri: Merupakan kegiatan penggalian potensi minat dan bakat siswa Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris oleh psikolog profesional, serta pendampingan pengelolaan emosional siswa

Rangkaian penerimaan siswa baru di MAN IC Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024 saat ini sudah sampai di tahap tes CBT. Menurut jadwal, tes CBT SNPDB MAN IC 2023 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25-26 Februari 2023.

Tentu, bagi peserta tes masuk MAN Insan Cendekia mesti berlatih dan belajar untuk persiapan tes CBT tersebut. Oleh karena itu, berikut ini akan disajikan kumpulan contoh Latihan Soal MAN IC  Bahasa inggris yang bisa dijadikan bahan belajar dan latihan.

Dengan banyak mengerjakan contoh Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris, maka kamu akan memiliki gambaran sehingga bisa mengerjakan tes SNPDB 2023 dengan baik.

Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah kumpulan contoh Latihan Soal MAN IC Bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu pelajari sebagai persiapan tes CBT SNPDB MAN IC 2023/2024:

Read the dialogue carefully.

Anisa: Why don’t we go the movie at the weekend? There’s a premiere of Jurassic World Dominion

Rahma: I wish I could, but I’ve already promised to visit my Grandma with my mom and dad.

Anisa: It’s alright, then. We can have it next week. Will you?

Rahma: Well, I’m so sorry. I have to go to my nephew’s birthday party next week.

Anisa: How about the day after?

Rahma: Well, I am thinking about it.

Anisa: OK, tell me as soon as possible when you have already had a decision. I really need you to accompany me. I don’t wanna go alone.

Rahma: All right. I’ll let you know soon.

Which of the following is true based on the dialogue?

A. Rahma doesn’t give any decision yet that she could go with Anisa.

B. Rahma would go to see a movie with her nephew next week.

C. Rahma could see the movie with Anisa.

D. Rahma has decided to go.


Demak Great Mosque

Demak became the location for the mosque which became one of the da’wah center of Islam in Java, namely Demak Great Mosque. The mosque was supposedly built by Raden Patah and Wali Songo in just one night. Demak Great Mosque is in Demak, Central Java, precisely in front of the square.

When visiting, in addition to worship visitors can also pilgrim to the Muslim tomb in the area of the mosque. There are tombs of Raden Patah, Sheikh Maulana Magribi and others. In addition there is also the Great Mosque Museum Demak visited every Saturday-Thursday at around 08:00 until 16:00 pm.

What information can you get from the passage above?

A. The visitors of Demak Great Mosque can also pilgrim to the Muslim tomb precisely in front of the square.

B. In the area of the mosque there are tombs of Raden Patah and Wali Songo.

C. Demak Great Mosque opens every Saturday-Thursday at around 08:00 until 16:00 pm.

D. Demak Great Mosque has become the historical building to verify the Islamic development in Java.


The flu can strike rapidly in this rain season. The best way to fight the virus is to have a healthy body through daily exercise and good diet. Our school offers the opportunity to be immunized against the flu as an additional way to prevent this virus from spreading amongst us. There will be a nurse at the school clinic from Monday to Thursday after school hours this week. This program is free and available to all school teachers, staff and students. However, participation is voluntary. Every person who wants to take the immunization the option will be asked to sign a form indicating that they have no allergies and understand the possible minor side effects.

Which one of the followings can be concluded from the announcement?

A. Daily exercise, balanced diet, and immunizations are recommended to fight the virus

B. Everyone should take a part in the flu immunization program held by management

C. The school has a nurse every day to succeed the immunization program

D.The participant can go to the clinic after signing a consent form given by management


As an island area, Lombok has many pretty and beautiful beaches that will make your holiday unforgettable. One of them is Gili Trawangan beach in Trawangan. This beach is known for its natural beauty and … ecosystem, so no wonder if snorkeling and scuba diving became favorite activities to do there. You can also try to ride cidomo, a typical horse cart of Lombok or take pictures in beautiful photo spots.

Choose the best word below to complete the sentence.

A. well-improved

B. well-preserved

C. well-maintained

D. well-developed


This adorable primate with large black eyes and almost humanlike manners, Orang Utan, is the prima donna of Indonesia’s vegetation and extensive forest. They are great apes and closely related to humans, having 97% of DNA in common. Extinction in the wild is likely in the next 10 years for Sumatran orangutans and soon after for Bornean orangutans.

The word ‘extinction’ is synonymous with…

A. survival

B. distinction

C. loss

D. existence


What to do in case of earthquake in this building?First of all, make sure that you remain calm. Second, stand under an arch or get under a table or desk. Remember to stay away from window and watch for possible falling objects. Lastly, when you notice that the noise stops, you may go out from the building using staircase to go through emergency exit. Do not use the elevators as the power may go out.

Why shouldn’t people use elevators during earthquake?

A. They do not have any window or emergency exit

B. To avoid being trapped caused by the black out

C. Using staircase to go down is more speedy

D. There may be possible falling objects inside


Every evening after work I should take my muddy boots off at the front porch on a welcome mat prepared by my mom. I then took off my dusty overalls and throw them into a plastic garbage bag, also put by my mom for me. She should have left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for me every morning. On my way into the house, I should drop the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up stairs to the shower. I would eat dinner only after everything is presentable for her.

What type of job does the writer possibly work?

A. Laundry man

B. House maid

C. Boots cleaner

D. Mine digger


Today, parents’ ignorance seems to be one of the causes of the increasing number of drug abuse cases among teenagers. When parents are too busy with their business, they have less time for children. The children will look for care from other people. Then, they will follow those who give them some care. They think that their friends care more about them than their parents. This can be the start of the drug abuse.

Adapted from The Bridge English Competence

Which sentence can best become the recommendation of the text?

A. Some parents hold wrong perception about the effect of the drug abuse in society where their children live in.

B. When parents do not monitor with whom their children get along, the teenagers may be trapped to the drug abuse.

C. Parents should care and control their children to avoid drug abuse and the teenagers should have self-control.

D. When the teenagers have a problem, the parents may not know what to do and the problem may get worse.


“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is a customer announcement, owner of Honda Jazz with license plate number B 1068 CX, Daihatsu Xenia with license plate B 1934 HI are required to move the vehicles from the entrance gate area to the available parking lot next on the right side of the grocery store or behind the Cinema XXI building, thank you.”

Which one of the following sentences shows the right action that the customers should do?

A. Go to the entrance gate for their car.

B. Park their carsat the right parking area.

C. Leave their cars on the side of the street.

D. Move the parking between the grocery and the cinema.


The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark located in Paris, France. It was built in 1889 and stands at 324 meters tall. The tower is made of iron and has become a symbol of France and a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can climb the stairs or take an elevator to the top to enjoy panoramic views of Paris. At night, the tower is illuminated with thousands of lights, making it a beautiful sight to see.

What is the Eiffel Tower illuminated with at night?

A. Ashes

B. Fireworks

C. Thousands of lights

D. Candles


A: Hey, can I smoke in here?

B: I’m sorry, but smoking is not allowed inside this building.

A: But I really need to smoke right now.

B: I understand, but smoking is prohibited here. You can smoke outside the building in the designated smoking area.

A: Alright, I’ll go outside then.

B: Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate your understanding of our rules.

Which sentence shows expressing prohibition?

A. Can I smoke in here?

B. I’m sorry, but smoking is not allowed inside this building.

C. Alright, I’ll go outside then.

D. Thank you for your cooperation.


We …… speak to our supervisor before leaving work early.

A. Could

B. Can

C. Should

D. Must


Itulah Beberapa contoh Latihan soal MAN IC Bahasa inggris yang bisa kamu pelajari untuk bisa lolos seleksi MAN 2023.

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